Tuesday, April 30, 2019


If you've ever been to our office, you're most likely aware of the fact that we like to give you water after your massage- and even insist you drink quite a bit for the rest of the day. While the water is meant to refresh you and help ease muscle soreness, most people underestimate how much our bodies depend on water to operate efficiently. 

Our bodies are roughly 60-65% water. That's a lot! So you can imagine just how much your body really depends on water. In order to keep up adequate hydration levels, most doctors will recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces. If you're more active, like me, they recommend adding between 4-8 ounces per 15 minutes of rigorous exercise. This may seem like a lot, but if you were to buy a large Nalgene bottle (roughly 1 liter) or something similar, 2-3 of those a day would be more than enough for most people. 

What are some of the signs of dehydration?

These can vary, but signs of dehydration will usually include: 
-cracked, dry lips and skin (especially on the face)
-flushed appearance
-dark colored urine or not urinating often
-rapid breathing
-sunken eyes

Most of these are more severe signs of dehydration, but one of the more milder signs of dehydration can be as simple as just feeling thirsty. To put it simply, if you feel the need to drink something, reach for a glass of water instead of juice, soda, or coffee!

If you're having trouble remembering to drink water, here's a few things you can do:

1. Find an app that sends reminders to your phone to drink water. 
One I was always fond of is called Plant Nanny, which reminds you to drink water based on your activity levels and weight. Each time you drink water, you get the opportunity to water a plant of your choice! As you water your plant, it grows and you can get more options regarding plant types, pots, and even backgrounds. It's fun and easy while being a cute reminder to drink water. You can also set a timer on your phone to remind you to drink water throughout the day, or find a water bottle online that shows you how much you should have drank by a certain time.

2. Get a water bottle that suits your lifestyle. 
For those who aren't active, a 20 ounce bottle they can fill as needed is a good option as it doesn't take up too much space and will only need to be refilled 3-4 times a day. For those who travel, finding a water bottle that's collapsible is a great option! You can also find water pouches, which are similar and don't take up a lot of space. These vary in size, so go with one that you feel works best for your lifestyle. If you're extremely active or are prone to becoming dehydrated, a large water bottle is the best option for you. Something like a Nalgene, HydroFlask or larger would be your best bet as it can hold more water but still be easy to travel with. I typically use a 1-gallon jug I carry with me everywhere, especially to the gym, since that's when my water intake is highest and I don't want to stop to find a water fountain in the middle of my routine.

3. Find a "water buddy."
There's nothing better or more supportive than having an actual support system. Having someone to help keep you accountable, while you keep them accountable, can increase your water intake. It's as simple as little notes, text reminders, or setting up "water challenges" with each other. Just be sure not to overdo it as this can have a detrimental effect on your health. The great thing is, eventually you could start a whole group just for water reminders and help others increase their water intake as well! 

Some other signs of adequate hydration levels:
-Pale or clear colored urine
-Feeling more active
-Glowing skin
-Better immune system
-Less headaches

Other benefits of drinking water:
-Flushes out toxins
-Improves regularity
-Keeps your kidneys healthy
-May help you lose weight (in conjunction with healthy eating habits)
- Lubricates the joints, leading to less joint pain
-Regulates body temperature
-Delivers oxygen throughout the body
-And many more....

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Water is a vital part of everyone's lifestyle. It's important to be keeping up adequate hydration levels as they have a rather large impact on your health and can improve your lifestyle. A favorite saying of mine, as told to me by a camp counselor, "Drink mo' water, feel mo' better!"

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Comment below or email us at: massagelamesa@gmail.com!

Contact us at: 

(619) 917-4675
Book now by clicking HERE.

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