Friday, April 26, 2019


When it comes to fitness it's important to be ready and in a good mindset. Positive attitudes lead to positive results, after all! So how can massage help with that? Read on to find out!

High intensity and cardio workouts are a normal part of most people's workout routines. These can include HIIT, marathon training, or even classes like Orange Theory. These types of workouts are typically faster and involve a lot of movement with small rest breaks throughout to avoid fatigue. They usually involve low weights with high repetitions and repetitive movements to work out core groups of muscles. In my experience, these types of workouts are usually more exhausting but do a better job of targeting multiple muscle groups, so it's good to have 1-2 days set aside specifically for them. 

In my experience, the recovery for high intensity workouts usually takes longer due to the multiple targeted muscles and overall fatigue that typically accompanies them. However, massage can help ease a lot of these symptoms and help you spring back sooner! Let's dive into this a bit deeper: 

1. Massage can enhance muscle recovery.

Here's what we mean by that: during massage, the manipulation of the soft tissue can help increase blood and lymphatic flow to injured areas. This, in turn, helps the lactic acid and white blood cells that have built up in sore or injured areas flow more freely, causing the healing process to become more efficient and effective, allowing you to move freely sooner and experience less pain overall. This can also have an effect on your experience with working out in general; it can make it a much more pleasant experience overall than if your body were not operating efficiently. 

If your muscles are not recovering and operating efficiently, it can make it more difficult for you to get more "hyped up" for your next high-intensity workout (at least, in my experience that's how it was). Feeling run down and sore can make the whole experience more negative, and might even cause you to spend less time at the gym. You may also not get the results you're looking for if your muscles aren't operating efficiently or you're experiencing too much pain to stick to a specific routine. Since massage can improve the efficiency of your recovery, it makes sense that incorporating it into your routine can make the whole experience more positive and lead to better results!

2. Massage can help increase flexibility. 

Yes, it's true! Since I started my new fitness regime, I have noticed that massage has benefited me greatly when it comes to muscle recovery AND flexibility. The manipulation of soft tissues is not only great for increasing blood flow, but it helps release tension in otherwise taut muscles and allows them to move more freely, thereby increasing your flexibility. This increased flexibility can also lead to less muscle pain overall, since they're able to move as they should and the increased/more efficient blood flow keeps them "lubricated." A consistent workout regime, with massage, can also help you keep proper form and make you more conscious of your posture, which can also lead to less pain and tension! 

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As you can see, massage after high intensity workouts can greatly improve your muscle recovery and allow you to enjoy your routine even more. Positivity and a great attitude play key roles in getting the results you want, and can make the experience more enjoyable for you and those around you. Learn more about how massage for muscle recovery can enhance your lifestyle in our next blog post: Massage for Muscle Recovery Part 2: Weight & Strength Training!

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(619) 917-4675
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1 comment:

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