Monday, September 25, 2017


 Everyone has experienced it at one time or another in their life. Some people experience it on a regular basis. However often you feel tired or fatigued, massage can help to get you some rest and relaxation that you and your body desperately need. 

What is Fatigue?
Fatigue is the feeling of being overworked or overtired, according
to Mayo Clinic. Fatigue can be so bad for some people that rest or sleep does not relieve the feelings of fatigue. Fatigue over long periods of time can reduce your energy, your motivation, and your concentration making daily life extremely difficult. It can also impact your overall psychological and emotional well-being, as well, which could make you irritable, irrational, and have uncontrollable mood swings. Fatigue can also be extremely cyclic. For example, a person can become fatigued, which makes it harder for them to concentrate. Because they are having difficulty concentrating, they have to work harder to do their job and are stressed out about their job performance. Now they are working harder and are stressed out, so they begin to have difficulty sleeping. This ultimately makes them more fatigued, and the cycle begins again. Because of it's cyclic nature, someone dealing with fatigue has to find a way to stop the cycle.

What Causes Fatigue? 
The causes for fatigue are endless. Like was discussed above, stress caused by life can cause fatigue. Fatigue can be caused by many different diseases, conditions, or illnesses. According to Medicine Net, some common causes of fatigue are anemia, asthma, depression, insomnia, arthritis, obesity, flu, and even the common cold. With the cold and flu season approaching, it is important to remember that fatigue is very common when fighting illnesses, so if you suddenly feel fatigued, it may be time to try and boost your immune system. Fatigue is also commonly associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder, which often happens during fall and winter. No matter what the cause of fatigue is, the natural remedy that will be discussing today works for all causes. 

What Can Help With Fatigue?
There are multiple natural remedies to try and help with fatigue, but today we are going to be talking about massage. Massage is a proven natural, alternative remedy to help treat fatigue. Pacific College of Oriental Medicine explains how massage therapy is one of the most highly recommended alternative treatments for fatigue. Massage helps to turn off your "fight or flight" response and turn on your "rest or digest" response to allow your body to finally relax and begin to heal itself. When the body is fatigued, it is in a constant state of stress, which takes away from the bodies natural healing system. Allowing your body that time to decompress and relax, helps your overall well-being and health. According to New Yew Healing, massage can also increase mental clarity and sleep, which both helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue.  

Personal Note
Like I said earlier, fatigue is something that almost everyone has experienced at some point in their life. I just recently felt the effects of fatigue and life. 

I broke my foot in early July and finally, got out of my cast and boot at the beginning of September. Although it was wonderful to finally be able to walk completely on my own again, I had to begin the draining process of physical therapy and working out after months of inactivity.

Between waking up at 3:30 to go to the gym with my husband, going to physical therapy twice a week before work, working, going to school full time, and still maintaining my home life, I was absolutely fatigued and overall, just drained. I found myself lying awake at night constantly thinking about the things that I had to do the next day or feeling the discomfort and pain from physical therapy, which added to my fatigue. 

Finally, after 2-3 weeks of feeling fatigued, I found myself on Sydney's (one of our awesome therapists here at Massage La Mesa) table. Between the pain relief and the relaxation, I went home that day and went to bed at 7 pm and didn't wake up until 7 am the next day. Even though I skipped a workout, it was wonderful to finally feel rested and no longer fatigued. I went to work the next day feeling like a new person. Since my massage last week. I have been sleeping better and have been able to better cope with my sometimes hectic life. 

The reason I am telling you all about this is because I am a huge advocate for massage, and I still sometimes find myself not using massage like I should. I know life can be crazy and overwhelming, and that is usually the hardest time to make time for massage. However, when life gets crazy like that, it is so important to find that time for yourself and for your body because it might just be the pick-me-up that you needed!

Contact us at: 619-917-4675 OR 

Book now by clicking HERE.

Friday, September 22, 2017


This blog post is going to be far more personal and less informative than all of our other blog posts are, but we are so excited about our workshop that we had to let everyone know about it!

Last Saturday, we held out first Foam Rolling/Self Myofascial Release Workshop in our clinic here in La Mesa. We had four clients show up, which was super exciting for us! Sydney, one of our therapists here, also came to show her support, and of course, the teacher of the class, Angela, was there. 
All in all, we had a great turnout with just the right amount of people to make a fun filled class that was personalized for each client.

Angela started the class by delving into what foam rolling is and why it is so important. After some talk about the informative part of Myofascial Release, we jumped right into the fun stuff!

From our toes up to our heads, we worked on our major muscle groups and common problem areas for our clients that attended the class. During this time, Angela made sure to find out everyone's limits, so that she could adjust each exercise to fit each person. For example, one of our attendees had a rotator cuff problem, so they found it difficult to hold themselves up for some of the exercises. Angela found a way for them to still perform the exercise without putting unnecessary strain on their

Another fun part of the class was getting to try out and learn about all the different types of foam rollers. This helped to figure out which one worked best for each person. With this information, we
had two attendees go out and buy a foam roller after the class!

As the class came to an end, everyone was sent home with a Self Myofascial Release tool and a worksheet showing pictures and descriptions of all of the exercises we went over in the workshop.

We were so happy to have a great class full of clients with awesome attitudes and a desire to learn and benefit from foam rolling. We hope more people have the chance to experience our awesome workshops in the future, and if you would like more information about foam rolling, click here to visit our Introduction to Foam Rolling.

Contact us at: 619-917-4675 OR 

Book now by clicking HERE.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Why Foam Roll
Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, or self-massage, that gets rid of adhesions in your muscles and connective
tissue. The fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue covering every muscle.  The adhesions can create points of weakness or susceptibility in the tissue.If the muscle isn’t contracting uniformly from end-to-end, it could lead to injury and pain.  Foam rolling also increases blood flow to your muscles and creates better mobility, helping with recovery and improving performance.

In addition to getting fresh blood flow to the area you are rolling, you may be changing the neuro-muscular pathway to the brain which tells this area of the body not to hurt anymore.  Foam rolling may fire up your central nervous system which registers and reacts to pain. Like massage, foam rolling stimulates pressure receptors beneath your skin, says Tiffany Field, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami. “When you stimulate those pressure receptors, that stimulation increases vagal activity in the brain, which has been linked to relaxation of the nervous system, reduced levels of stress hormones like cortisol and improved pain tolerance,” she explains.  In other words, foam rolling may be knocking out stress and quieting your body’s pain-detection centers.

Types of Foam Roller and Other Myofascial Release Tools
Foam rollers are in every gym and fitness center in many different forms, colors and lengths.  There are different densities of rollers along with flat or bumpy surfaces, and rollers with deep grooves and knobs.  When beginning it is best to stick with a softer foam that is smooth in appearance with no obvious bumps or grooves on it.  These basic foam rollers are often white in color.  As your body gets used to foam rolling you may want to advance to a roller with foam that is more dense or has bumps on it. 

Besides having or using the gym’s foam roller it’s beneficial to use a smaller tool for more specific self-massage in areas that need pointed pressure.  Having a tennis ball, lacrosse ball or racket ball are perfect for these more specific releases that the muscle may need.  The arch of the feet, the neck muscles at the base of the skull, and the deep muscles in the Glutes are some examples of where these balls may come in handy.  Some areas respond better to a softer ball and some areas need a smaller and firmer ball to get into the deeper layers, especially in the forearms. There are specific myofascial release/massage balls on the market and they work great but for the added cost one of the above-mentioned balls work just as well.  You can usually find something around the house, golf ball, kids super bouncy ball and even a piece of fruit in a pinch. 

How Do I Foam Roll and For How Long?
When rolling or working on tight/sore muscles you will experience discomfort or pain. Think of it like the pain you get while stretching. It should be mild to moderately uncomfortable, but not unbearable, and when you are done it should feel better.  Similar to while receiving a massage the pain scale 1-10 is used while foam rolling.  With 1 being very little to no pain or discomfort and 10 being the worst pain you’ve ever experienced, you want to work within the 4-7 zone while foam rolling.  Spend time on the areas that are sore.  These are the areas that need work.  Err on the side of less pressure. 

Don’t roll too quickly.  While it might feel great to roll back and forth on a foam roller quickly, you aren’t getting the full benefit of your rolling session or lasting results.  You need to give your brain enough time to tell your muscles to relax.  Spend 1 – 2 minutes on one area or hold until a release is felt.  Like a trigger point release during a massage, if you feel the pain number drop on your pain scale, you are ready to move on to the next spot.  Focus on the areas that are tender, they need work.  This may sound daunting but in ten minutes you can have a very effective foam rolling session.You may come to love it and spend longer because it feels good and the results speak for themselves.  The pain you feel while rolling will be gone in one to two weeks of daily foam rolling sessions.

Don’t Forget to Breathe While Rolling!
Foam rolling and Self Myofascial Release can be done anytime that is convenient for you.  Remember, rolling after exercise is better than before and foam rolling is great as a mid-workday break, or as a “wind down from the day massage” before bed to release tension.  

Contact us at: 619-917-4675 OR 

Book now by clicking HERE.

Monday, September 11, 2017


Skin-To-Skin Contact is Needed for Health!

Everyone loves to be touched. It is a proven fact that touch is
important, and any type of touch from a handshake to a huge hug to a massage from a therapist, touch is extremely important to everyone and their bodies, as well.

Skin to skin contact can be a great way to improve your health and wellness. This can include hugs, massage, or even hand holding. According to Women's Health, the touch between two people releases both serotonin and dopamine. Both of which are instrumental in overall happiness and emotional well-being within the body. It also helps to make you feel less stressed and anxious. Studies have shown that another way skin to skin helps with health and wellness is by lowering blood pressure and heart rate and by boosting your immune system, and by giving you pain relief, according to NPR.

Babies and skin to skin contact

From the time a baby exits the womb, he or she craves and needs to be touched. Studies have shown that allowing the baby to immediately have uninterrupted skin to skin contact with mom can help to stabilize their respiration and oxygenation, increase their glucose levels, warm the infant, reduce stress hormones, regulate blood pressure, decrease crying, and increase the quiet alert state,

according to MedScape. Without skin to skin contact, the baby's immune system can suffer and make them susceptible to illness because of the high levels of stress hormones that are release when a baby feels stressed and vulnerable due to lack of touch, affection, and love. Allowing an infant to have skin to skin contact with mom immediately after birth also allows for a stronger bond and connection between mom and baby and helps to calm the mom after childbirth.

Adults need to be touched too...
Although it is not thought of often, physical contact is a basic necessity for living. Many think of it as not a big deal, but for many people, they can go days without any direct skin to skin contact. According to Psychology Today, three out of every four adults agree with the statement "Americans suffer from skin hunger." Skin hunger is the feeling of loneliness or the lack of physical affection that one requires. Many people find themselves longing and craving for skin to skin contact that they just to not be able to get or to get enough of.

Massage is a great option for those requiring a fix of being touched. Anyone who has regular massages can tell you if you’re feeling stressed and anxious a massage will soon calm you down. Although many people require massage therapy for many other physiological reasons, like chronic back pain or migraines, massage therapy for the contact is common, as well. Relaxation can be found through the contact that you get from your massage therapist.
Being massaged makes your muscles un-clench if you’re all bunched up. If your blood pressure is high, it can actually drop after a massage and cortisol levels (a stress hormone) will drop. Because you’re nice and relaxed, your body has the breathing space to start recharging your batteries so that you’ll feel much better afterwards.

Recent research backs this up; the immune function of healthy adults who got either a 45-minute Swedish massage or 45 minutes of lighter touch were measured and the group who enjoyed a massage were found to have significantly higher numbers of white blood cells - including the cells which help the body fight viruses. So can a massage stop you catching a cold? The scientists stopped short of saying so, but it does seem that regular skin to skin contact through massage could play a part in keeping your immune system healthy and fighting off bugs.

The evidence is mounting up that a massage helps you feel good, improved your overall well being and boosts your immune system. Why not book one today?

Contact us at: 619-917-4675 OR 
Book now by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017



Lavender Essential Oil is one of our most calming and frequently use essential oil here at Massage La Mesa. According to doTerra, it is one of the highly versatile and most aromatic essential oil in the world. 

What is it?
Lavender essential oil comes from the lavender plant, which is a strewing herb. Similar to peppermint, lavender has been around for thousands of years. It is believed to be dated back 2500 years from the Mediterranean, Middle East, and India.  The name "lavender" comes from the Latin word "lavare," which means to wash. This is because dated back to the Romans and the Greeks, lavender has been used in the public baths to prevent the foul smell commonly associated with public baths, according to the Spruce. The Greeks also called lavender "nardus" after the Syrian city of Naarda. It was used as a holy herb to prepare the "Holy Essence and Nard," which is mentioned in the bible throughout the "Song of Solomon" and among other places throughout history. 

What does it do?
The most common use of lavender oil is for relaxation. According to Bodyecology, lavender was used in ancient times to tame and calm lions and tigers. If lavender can calm lions and tigers, it can definitely calm you! Is is commonly used to help with insomnia, anxiety, depression, and natural stress relief. For example, a recent study has found that when used in conjunction with an antidepressant, lavender reduces the severity of depression. Another study found that smelling lavender while you sleep can help to increase the amount of time that you spend in deep sleep. However, this study also found that the results were more prominent in women than men. 

Another common use of lavender is to relieve and reduce skin irritations. This can range from sunburns to bug bites to rashes. According to, lavender is an all natural anti-histamine due to it's anti-inflammatory properties. Lavender is commonly used in many chemical-based drugs and lotions meant for skin irritations, but the use of lavender as a sole treatment will prevent the nasty side effects that come along with harsh chemicals and lotions. An added bonus to using lavender for all of your skin irritation needs is that you will feel and smell wonderful! 

Lavender is also great for helping with these other conditions- motion sickness, colic, sensitive skin, chapped lips, asthma, allergies, and menstrual cramps.

How do you use it?
Like discussed in a past blog, essential oils can be used through topical application, ingestion, or aromatic application. The same goes for lavender essential oils. Topically is a very common application of lavender essential oils, due to the benefits to the skin of the body. It can be added to teas or while making dessert to better flavors while providing the healing properties of the oil.  It can even be used through aromatic diffusion to improve overall emotions, mood, and upset within the body and mind. 

As you can tell, lavender essential oil is an essential part of everyone's natural kit of remedies. Through the proper use of lavender and other essential oils, you can improve your overall health- the natural way! If you would like to learn more about peppermint or any other essential oils, feel free to click here to be brought to the official doTerra page.

Contact us at: 619-917-4675 OR 
Book now by clicking HERE.