Tuesday, April 30, 2019


If you've ever been to our office, you're most likely aware of the fact that we like to give you water after your massage- and even insist you drink quite a bit for the rest of the day. While the water is meant to refresh you and help ease muscle soreness, most people underestimate how much our bodies depend on water to operate efficiently. 

Our bodies are roughly 60-65% water. That's a lot! So you can imagine just how much your body really depends on water. In order to keep up adequate hydration levels, most doctors will recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces. If you're more active, like me, they recommend adding between 4-8 ounces per 15 minutes of rigorous exercise. This may seem like a lot, but if you were to buy a large Nalgene bottle (roughly 1 liter) or something similar, 2-3 of those a day would be more than enough for most people. 

What are some of the signs of dehydration?

These can vary, but signs of dehydration will usually include: 
-cracked, dry lips and skin (especially on the face)
-flushed appearance
-dark colored urine or not urinating often
-rapid breathing
-sunken eyes

Most of these are more severe signs of dehydration, but one of the more milder signs of dehydration can be as simple as just feeling thirsty. To put it simply, if you feel the need to drink something, reach for a glass of water instead of juice, soda, or coffee!

If you're having trouble remembering to drink water, here's a few things you can do:

1. Find an app that sends reminders to your phone to drink water. 
One I was always fond of is called Plant Nanny, which reminds you to drink water based on your activity levels and weight. Each time you drink water, you get the opportunity to water a plant of your choice! As you water your plant, it grows and you can get more options regarding plant types, pots, and even backgrounds. It's fun and easy while being a cute reminder to drink water. You can also set a timer on your phone to remind you to drink water throughout the day, or find a water bottle online that shows you how much you should have drank by a certain time.

2. Get a water bottle that suits your lifestyle. 
For those who aren't active, a 20 ounce bottle they can fill as needed is a good option as it doesn't take up too much space and will only need to be refilled 3-4 times a day. For those who travel, finding a water bottle that's collapsible is a great option! You can also find water pouches, which are similar and don't take up a lot of space. These vary in size, so go with one that you feel works best for your lifestyle. If you're extremely active or are prone to becoming dehydrated, a large water bottle is the best option for you. Something like a Nalgene, HydroFlask or larger would be your best bet as it can hold more water but still be easy to travel with. I typically use a 1-gallon jug I carry with me everywhere, especially to the gym, since that's when my water intake is highest and I don't want to stop to find a water fountain in the middle of my routine.

3. Find a "water buddy."
There's nothing better or more supportive than having an actual support system. Having someone to help keep you accountable, while you keep them accountable, can increase your water intake. It's as simple as little notes, text reminders, or setting up "water challenges" with each other. Just be sure not to overdo it as this can have a detrimental effect on your health. The great thing is, eventually you could start a whole group just for water reminders and help others increase their water intake as well! 

Some other signs of adequate hydration levels:
-Pale or clear colored urine
-Feeling more active
-Glowing skin
-Better immune system
-Less headaches

Other benefits of drinking water:
-Flushes out toxins
-Improves regularity
-Keeps your kidneys healthy
-May help you lose weight (in conjunction with healthy eating habits)
- Lubricates the joints, leading to less joint pain
-Regulates body temperature
-Delivers oxygen throughout the body
-And many more....

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Water is a vital part of everyone's lifestyle. It's important to be keeping up adequate hydration levels as they have a rather large impact on your health and can improve your lifestyle. A favorite saying of mine, as told to me by a camp counselor, "Drink mo' water, feel mo' better!"

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Comment below or email us at: massagelamesa@gmail.com!

Contact us at: 

(619) 917-4675
Book now by clicking HERE.

Friday, April 26, 2019


When it comes to fitness it's important to be ready and in a good mindset. Positive attitudes lead to positive results, after all! So how can massage help with that? Read on to find out!

Weight and strength training play a vital role in improving your strength, hence the name. Not only does it lead to a stronger body, it leads to a more disciplined and motivated mind. I'm fairly new to fitness and exercising in a gym, but I've noticed major changes in myself in the last month, both physically and mentally. There are the obvious reasons, like seeing your muscle growth and an increase in endorphins making you feel more positive, but there are other things not many people notice at first, like becoming more disciplined, sleeping better at night and having a more positive outlook on life. While these are all great reasons for getting a good workout in, we're here to talk about how massage can play a key role in your physical and mental health when you enjoy those regular workouts.  

It may not seem like massage is all that important or related to weight training, but the two could not go more hand-in-hand. Since massage is designed to manipulate the soft tissue and relax the recipient, it's an excellent candidate for fitness folks everywhere who are pushing themselves every day. Let's explain why:

1. Massage is proven to aid in muscle recovery and help with soreness.

How? Let's dive into this a bit: when weight training you are often pushing yourself by moving up in weights and doing repetitive motions to help the muscles being utilized grow. In order for this to happen tiny, microscopic tears will appear all along the muscles that will end up healing and coming back stronger. This whole process of breaking down the muscles and their regrowth is what allows them to increase in strength. The little tears are often accompanied by the release of lactic acid, which is what's responsible for muscle soreness, along with white blood cells and prostaglandins, which are an anti-inflammatory and help repair the "damage" to the utilized muscle. 

This is where massage comes in. By manipulating the soft tissues, massage can help clear out the build-up of fluids and allow blood to flow more freely where it would otherwise be constricted by swelling. This means recovery time becomes more efficient and you'll get to feeling better sooner! Sore muscles can be a hindrance for some after a really productive workout, so being able to recover quickly can help you get back on your feet and back into the gym!

2. Massage can help you mentally recover.

In this day and age finding just a smidgen of quiet time for yourself can be difficult. Post workout routines don't get nearly enough attention- if you're like me and you go to the gym early in the morning, afterwards you get ready for work to start your day with absolutely no down time to "decompress" and relax before jumping in to other stimulating situations. This can lead to you feeling exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed (kind of like toddlers after a long day out and about). Taking some time for yourself- even just a quick 30 minute massage session- can do wonders for your mind and help combat mental exhaustion and feeling overstimulated. 

While there are many other reasons to get massages after your workouts, I wanted to highlight these two in particular for weight and strength training since I feel they are the most beneficial and most convincing reasons for those who are on the fence. Massage is proven to have multiple benefits for your body, mind and spirit and should be a part of everyone's lifestyle!

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If you're an athlete, gym or fitness nut, do yourself a favor and book yourself a massage. You deserve it after all the hard work you put in to be your best! 

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Comment below or email us at: massagelamesa@gmail.com!

Contact us at: 
(619) 917-4675
Book now by clicking HERE.


When it comes to fitness it's important to be ready and in a good mindset. Positive attitudes lead to positive results, after all! So how can massage help with that? Read on to find out!

High intensity and cardio workouts are a normal part of most people's workout routines. These can include HIIT, marathon training, or even classes like Orange Theory. These types of workouts are typically faster and involve a lot of movement with small rest breaks throughout to avoid fatigue. They usually involve low weights with high repetitions and repetitive movements to work out core groups of muscles. In my experience, these types of workouts are usually more exhausting but do a better job of targeting multiple muscle groups, so it's good to have 1-2 days set aside specifically for them. 

In my experience, the recovery for high intensity workouts usually takes longer due to the multiple targeted muscles and overall fatigue that typically accompanies them. However, massage can help ease a lot of these symptoms and help you spring back sooner! Let's dive into this a bit deeper: 

1. Massage can enhance muscle recovery.

Here's what we mean by that: during massage, the manipulation of the soft tissue can help increase blood and lymphatic flow to injured areas. This, in turn, helps the lactic acid and white blood cells that have built up in sore or injured areas flow more freely, causing the healing process to become more efficient and effective, allowing you to move freely sooner and experience less pain overall. This can also have an effect on your experience with working out in general; it can make it a much more pleasant experience overall than if your body were not operating efficiently. 

If your muscles are not recovering and operating efficiently, it can make it more difficult for you to get more "hyped up" for your next high-intensity workout (at least, in my experience that's how it was). Feeling run down and sore can make the whole experience more negative, and might even cause you to spend less time at the gym. You may also not get the results you're looking for if your muscles aren't operating efficiently or you're experiencing too much pain to stick to a specific routine. Since massage can improve the efficiency of your recovery, it makes sense that incorporating it into your routine can make the whole experience more positive and lead to better results!

2. Massage can help increase flexibility. 

Yes, it's true! Since I started my new fitness regime, I have noticed that massage has benefited me greatly when it comes to muscle recovery AND flexibility. The manipulation of soft tissues is not only great for increasing blood flow, but it helps release tension in otherwise taut muscles and allows them to move more freely, thereby increasing your flexibility. This increased flexibility can also lead to less muscle pain overall, since they're able to move as they should and the increased/more efficient blood flow keeps them "lubricated." A consistent workout regime, with massage, can also help you keep proper form and make you more conscious of your posture, which can also lead to less pain and tension! 

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As you can see, massage after high intensity workouts can greatly improve your muscle recovery and allow you to enjoy your routine even more. Positivity and a great attitude play key roles in getting the results you want, and can make the experience more enjoyable for you and those around you. Learn more about how massage for muscle recovery can enhance your lifestyle in our next blog post: Massage for Muscle Recovery Part 2: Weight & Strength Training!

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Comment below or email us at: massagelamesa@gmail.com!

Contact us at: 

(619) 917-4675
Book now by clicking HERE.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Coffee beans were once considered a rare and precious item, exotic and difficult to come by, but nowadays it's seen everywhere and commercially available to just about everyone. Caffeine consumption is now considered a normal activity that many will partake in every day, ranging from coffee and tea to energy boosters and snacks. However, recently there's been more awareness surrounding the possible side effects of caffeine and how it can negatively impact your health. So the big question is, how much caffeine is actually too much? 

Let's backtrack about 8 years. Back then I was drinking around 10 cups of day just to keep going. I went to school and volunteered on approximately 5 hours of sleep a night, and participated in team sports one to two times a week. My caffeine intake became a vicious cycle; it's what kept me going during the day, but it also kept me awake at night, even if I was still awake until midnight in order to finish projects and homework. I didn't experience all the symptoms normally associated with caffeine, such as migraine headaches or upset stomach, but I did experience irritability, insomnia/sleeplessness, nervousness and a quicker heartbeat. 

After a few months of this cycle I decided to try to decrease the amount of coffee I drank since I knew it wasn't good for me. This took a while considering how much I was regularly consuming, and quitting "cold turkey" is just not the way to go (I'll include some tips to help you decrease your caffeine intake if you find you're drinking too much). 

According to Mayo Clinic, the maximum amount of caffeine an adult should consume is 400 milligrams. This roughly translates to 4 cups of dark roast coffee, 10 cans of caffeinated soda, or two of those "energy shots" you see at the gas station counter. Pregnant women should consume no more than 100 milligrams of day, about one cup of dark roast coffee. Children, of course, should omit from having caffeine. Drinking any more could lead to dehydration, irritability, sleeplessness, insomnia, migraine headaches, muscle tremors, and more. It's important to note that every body is different, and if you suffer from anxiety or already have trouble sleeping you should drink less caffeine (or none at all). 

What if I have trouble giving up my afternoon latte?

Not to worry! There's nothing wrong with enjoying an afternoon coffee as long as it's not affecting your sleep. If you do find it messing with your circadian rhythm, try decaf or opt for an herbal tea, which typically contain less caffeine, instead. You should always decrease your caffeine consumption gradually; if you were to go "cold turkey" you could risk getting withdrawal symptoms such as migraine headaches. Try decreasing the amount you drink by skipping that last cup or opt for a smaller sized cup. You can even switch to decaf if it's just the taste of coffee you really like. Eventually you will get to a point where you're down to one cup a day, or will have completely eliminated your need for caffeine. 

How do I keep my caffeine addiction at bay?

If you're really looking to kick the coffee habit, you should look at why you're drinking coffee in the first place: are you not sleeping enough? Is there a coffee shop that's too convenient or right on your route to work? Maybe you just drink it with your friends whenever you get together. Whatever your reason being for wanting to kick the caffeine habit, one of the biggest things you can do is make sure you're getting enough sleep. If your circadian rhythm is disrupted or you're not allowing yourself to get enough sleep, you're more likely to reach for that morning cup. If you find yourself walking by that coffee shop and just so happen to wander in, try getting an herbal tea or decaf coffee instead of that usual morning cup you get. The same can be said for drinking coffee when catching up with friends; opt for an herbal tea or decaf coffee instead. Coffee shops always have a good selection of teas to choose from- take advantage and maybe find a new favorite!
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If you're really looking to kick your caffeine habit, always remember to do so gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Caffeine isn't the worst thing to have on a daily basis, but if you take certain medications or have certain medical needs it's important to know your limitations. Always check with your doctor if you have any questions about any part of your health!

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Comment below or email us at: massagelamesa@gmail.com!

Contact us at: 
(619) 917-4675
Book now by clicking HERE.