Monday, March 19, 2018


Everyone has stress and handles it differently. One thing that has been proven to reduce stress and increase mindfulness throughout the day is meditating for ten to twenty minutes every morning. Yoga International. The point of meditation is to erase all outside distractions and completely inwardly focus on your mind and true being. By doing this, you are able to achieve peace and quiet any negative internal voices. Obviously, meditation is great, but why is so beneficial in the morning? Meditation is the act of quieting and resting the mind and finding a state of consciousness that is very much different than our normal awake state, according to

According to Mind Body Green, meditating helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. When this is activated, you are bale to enter a state of deep relaxation. This helps you to get pumped up and ready for your day without any caffeine or sugar. Even if you are tired when you wake up and would rather sleep for that extra thirty minutes, making yourself get up and meditate for that time will actually make you more awake than more sleep would make you. This is a great bonus for anyone needing more energy and focus throughout the day.

It helps to establish a "spam filter" for your mind. Everyday each one of us has countless thoughts that take over our mind. From the self-sabotaging ones like "You can't do this" or "Why do you even
bother," to the distraction ones like "I wonder what that donut burger that I saw on FaceBook tastes like" or "How many fish could I have caught already today if I was at the lake." No matter wha these thoughts are, they are time consuming, distracting, and decrease your productivity throughout the day. By meditating every morning, you are putting up your spam filter. This blocks out all of the negative and unimportant thoughts that may cross your mind throughout the day. Rather it will only allow the positive and productive thoughts that can help you to burn through your day like a pro!

The biggest way that meditating in the morning can help is by decreasing the amount of stress that you go into thew day with. As the day goes along, you are bound to run into some sort of stressor. Imagine that your stress level is already at a 5 in the morning from all of the ugliness the day before. When you run into those stressful situations, you are quickly brought up to a 10 on the stress meter, which make you eat poorly, get less productive, have a bad night of sleep, and become very distracted. Now imagine that you meditated this morning so your stress level is at a 1. As all of those stressful events happen throughout the day, you are only brought up to a 5. Still not great, but you would be much more inept to deal with that as opposed to being at a 10. This all adds into you being a more productive, happy person.

It may take you a while to truly get down the art of meditation, but there is no down side to meditation. There is no possible side effects and anything that could help you to better deal with life and stress is worth a try in my opinion.

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