Monday, October 23, 2017


Strains Vs. Sprains
Two words that sound so similar but are actually completely different. Sprains and strains are often used interchangeably or incorrectly because a large amount of people do not know the difference between a sprain and a strain. Don't want to be one of those people? We got you covered!

What Are Strains?
A strain is commonly referred to as someone pulling a muscle, and it really is just that. A strain is the overstretching or tearing of a person's muscles or tendons. What exactly is a "tendon" some may ask. Well, a tendon, according to MayoClinic, is a fibrous cord that connects all of our muscles to the bones in our body. People most commonly find their lower back and hamstring muscle (muscle in the back of the thigh) strained.

What Are Sprains?
Sprains are more common and can happen in the strongest, most athletic of people and in people who have never even worn a pain of sneakers. A sprain is the overstretching or tearing of a person's ligaments. A ligament is a group of tough bands of fibrous tissue that is used to connect two bones together. The most common body part that is sprained is the ankle. Side Note:I just recently sprained mine!

Symptoms of Sprains and Strains
I bet you are thinking "Well, thanks for telling me what they are, but how do I know if I sprained or strained my -insert body part here-?" Great question! Almost all of the symptoms of sprains and strains are the same for both and can happen whether you sprain or strain. These symptoms include pain around the affected body part, mild to severe swelling, limited flexibility and range of motion, and limited strength while using the affected body part, according to Health Line. The symptom that is usually a good tell-tale sign of whether someone sprained or strained a body part is if there is bruising or spasms. If a person sees bruising around the hurt body part, then it is probably a sprain. If the person is experiencing muscle spasms of the affected area, then it is most likely a strain. Although this is usually a good indicator, always consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Treatments of Sprains and Strains
For both sprains and strains, the treatment is generally the same unless it is clarified by a medical professional. RICE is going to be your best friend if you sprained or strained part of your body. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Kids Health goes into more detail about RICE. To follow RICE, you must rest from any strenuous activity or standing for long periods of time until the pain is significantly less, ice the affected area 4-8 times a day for no longer than 20 minutes at a time, support the injured area with compression bandages for at least 2 days following the injury, and elevate the affected area above the heart as much as possible to reduce swelling. In some cases, more advanced treatment may be required under the supervision of a medical professional. We recommend that if there is severe pain to see your doctor and to not self-diagnose.

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