Friday, September 7, 2018


Insomnia, Chronic Insomnia, and other sleep-related issues affect a whopping 50-70 million Americans, according to Sleep Review.  That's a pretty scary number! While this is an overwhelming amount of people dealing with sleep issues, you can rest easy (irony intended) knowing that you're not alone and there are ways to help! 

First off, let's talk about WHY sleep is important:

Sleep is an essential part of our existence; it's how we recover from the bombardment on our senses every day and it helps our bodies recover after injury. Without sleep, our body and mind cannot function properly which can lead to low work performance, obesity, extreme fatigue, trouble concentrating, altered mood and slower recovery time. It can lead to depression, higher anxiety levels, and make it difficult to connect with those around you. A lack of sleep could also mean your immune system won't work as well, leading to constant illness. So as you can see, sleep is a necessity for your health!

How your sleep is affected everyday

There are many reasons as to why your circadian rhythm, or sleep/wake cycle, may be affected. Some of those reasons may include extra stress, illness, or a new environment. One of the more prominent reasons that has become a growing concern is technology. According to Sleep, the blue light that emanates from phone screens and TVs can suppress the production of melatonin, which is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for controlling your body's circadian rhythm. Having a bright screen on in the bedroom can also trick your brain into thinking you need to be alert and engaged, making it harder to fall asleep. According to Harvard Health, blue wavelengths have been shown to boost attention, reaction times and mood, which is the exact opposite of what you need at night. 

Most people don't see a problem with bringing their phone into the bedroom before heading off to bed. Whether it's scrolling through social media or checking your email, it's common for people to check their phones before setting it down on their nightstands before
attempting to fall asleep. However, engaging in social media or emailing back and forth with your boss right before bed can lead to an increase in stress and anxiety, causing your "fight-or-flight" instinct to kick in. Even if you're not checking your phone
before heading in for the night, having your phone by your bedside at night means your sleep is more likely to be interrupted by the text messages and alerts you may receive. This can also mess with your circadian rhythm, making you feel groggy and disoriented when you get up in the morning.

How to help end the sleeplessness cycle

While there's no one cure-all for sleeplessness and insomnia, there are things you can do to help:

 -Start by having quiet time an hour or two before bed. Turn off any unnecessary lights, the tv, and put your phone down in another room. Spend some time reading using warm light, which is less likely to contain blue wavelengths and the reading will make you feel tired.
-At night, use the "Do Not Disturb" feature on your iPhone. This will minimize the amount of disruptions you may get at night, and only when it's really important will people be able to get through to you.

-Take a warm bath or shower before going to bed, but don't get your hair wet. The warm water will help relax your body and when you move into the cooler air it will make you feel sleepy, which means you'll be more likely to fall asleep quicker. You can also add essential oils like lavender and chamomile along with Epsom Salts to help induce sleep!
-If you need a light in your room at night, make sure it's red! This will minimize the amount of blue wavelengths you experience at night and you'll be able to sleep better.
-MASSAGE! Let's go into this one in detail:

How massage helps with sleeplessness

Massage has been shown to help with a multitude of problems, as we've talked about in past blog posts. One thing that always seems to recur in all our research is the fact that massage helps with stress and anxiety. It's been proven time and time again in multiple studies that the benefits of massage are numerous. Massage can also help with: depression, chronic stress, headaches and migraines, sports injuries, postpartum depression, poor posture, sleeplessness, chronic insomnia and many more. 

We've talked about how massage actually affects your body's hormones as well. When receiving a massage, your body emits oxytocin and seratonin (an essential neurotransmitter to create melatonin and is thought to help you feel calm), decreases cortisol and tension, and relieves pain and inflammation. It increases blood flow, which helps injuries heal quicker, and allows the body to loosen up which can relieve pain you didn't even know you had! Massage can also help with sleeplessness (we've even had clients fall asleep on the table!) by getting your body back to its original intended circadian rhythm. Getting a massage doesn't just feel good, it's good for you!

People who get frequent massages report having less pain, lower stress levels and better sleep. Those who suffer from depression can easily benefit from massage as well, since it releases endorphins and decreases anxiety. All in all, massage helps to break the stress cycle that plagues so many and is the cause of sleepless nights. 

If you are suffering from sleeplessness or insomnia, massage could work for you! 

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