together. The purpose of having our therapists go to continuing education together is to not only better their expertise and knowledge, but to also ensure that every therapist that is at Massage La Mesa is able to give you a wonderful experience every time, no matter what you are looking for. That requires everyone to be constantly working to better their knowledge and keep up with all of the industry changes. We did that this week by attending the Summit on Active Release Techniques, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation, and Kinesiology Taping.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation, or IASTM, is the use of certain tools during the massage to help release some of the soft tissue, adhesions and any issues within the fascia. This is done by increasing the circulation of the surface of the muscle by using tools on the surface of the skin. They were able to test out many different types of tools and found which ones that they think would benefit you all the most. With this being said, we will be adding the use of a tool into the many different techniques that your massage therapist may use during your massage. This is something that can help you get better, quicker, which is always our goal here at Massage La Mesa. We want you to be out of pain and enjoying life as quickly as possible!
Lastly, Kinesiology Taping, or KT Taping, is actually a service that we already offer at Massage La Mesa. If you haven't heard, we offer a 15 minute and a 30 minute KT Taping sessions. However, it was still great to ensure that all of our therapists are at industry standards regarding their knowledge of KT Taping. They were able to test out different tapes on parts of the body that they maybe haven't done before or need a refresher on. Kinesiology Taping is such a great resource for everyone that we hope everyone tries it out at least once.
All of our therapists are highly trained and knowledgeable to begin with, but one of the most important things when looking into quality care from a massage therapist is growth. Just like many other professions, in order to stay at their A game, it is so important to constantly be learning. Here at Massage La Mesa, we make sure that all of your therapists are able to give you the best massage, experience, and results possible.
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